[Zope] Re: [Zope-dev] Proposed installation changes for review
Chris McDonough
10 Mar 2003 22:11:15 -0500
On Mon, 2003-03-10 at 21:42, Jamie Heilman wrote:
> Chris McDonough wrote:
> The point I'm trying to make is that Zope has learned nothing from the
> UNIX philosophy. Yes, you can extend the config schema. You can grow
> new, better config files, of extraordinary magnitude. The
> all-powerful server will grow from being all-powerful to being
> all-powerful + n. It will be able to read mail. Its heralds shall
> sit upon mountain high throwns hewn of the finest O'Reilly and New
> Riders scripture. But lo, still you won't be able to do something as
> mundane as limit the memory the FTP server is able to consume without
> affecting the HTTP server.
Point taken.
> Fracture the server infrastructure into small, seperate processes.
> The configuration of the individual pieces becomes trivial. The
> understanding of the overall data flow improves. When there's nothing
> left to remove from code, you've won. Some of the breaks have already
> been made, like the separation of the storage from its front-end.
> Thats good, we need more action along those lines.
I think this is a noble goal, but far beyond the scope of the current
project, which is stated on the project page as "Make it easier for
sysadmins and new Zope developers to install and configure Zope". I
believe that ZConfig will help us towards this goal. It should also not
hinder us from reaching the goal that you've defined above.
- C