[Zope-dev] Re: Pydoc and Zope

Yuppie schubbe@web.de
Wed, 12 Mar 2003 09:34:33 +0100


Joachim Werner wrote:
> Is there a HOWTO for using Pydoc with a current Zope? Are there any new
> adapted versions of Pydoc? Or is there any better way of browsing the
> source code?

Well. It depends on what you need.

To get an overview of inherited methods, base classes and how they are 
related, I prefer epydoc. <http://epydoc.sourceforge.net>

For a general comparison see this thread:

You can find outdated Zope3 docs generated with epydoc here:

I recently hacked epydoc to work with ExtensionClasses and got some 
useful Zope2 output. But there are still some bugs in my patch.

It's not in a state to release, but if you want I can send you my patch.



BTW: I like these trees generated with epydoc :-)

                Base --+
           CopyContainer --+
                Base --+   |
                       |   |
              Navigation --+
                Base --+   |
                       |   |
                    Tabs --+
                Acquirer --+
              Persistent --+
            Base --+       |
                   |       |
EtagSupport --+   |       |
               |   |       |
    LockableItem --+       |
                   |       |
            Resource --+   |
                       |   |
              Collection --+
             Traversable --+
               ObjectManager --+
                    Base --+   |
                           |   |
            Node --+       |   |
                   |       |   |
             Element --+   |   |
                       |   |   |
   ElementWithAttributes --+   |
                           |   |
             PropertyManager --+
                    Base --+   |
                           |   |
             RoleManager --+   |
                           |   |
                 RoleManager --+
                Base --+       |
                       |       |
     EtagSupport --+   |       |
                   |   |       |
        LockableItem --+       |
                       |       |
                Resource --+   |
                           |   |
                  Collection --+
                    Base --+   |
                           |   |
                Base --+   |   |
                       |   |   |
     EtagSupport --+   |   |   |
                   |   |   |   |
        LockableItem --+   |   |
                       |   |   |
                Resource --+   |
                           |   |
                Base --+   |   |
                       |   |   |
              CopySource --+   |
                           |   |
                Base --+   |   |
                       |   |   |
                    Tabs --+   |
                           |   |
             Traversable --+   |
                           |   |
                Node --+   |   |
                       |   |   |
                 Element --+   |
                           |   |
                Base --+   |   |
                       |   |   |
                   Owned --+   |
                           |   |
                Base --+   |   |
                       |   |   |
             UndoSupport --+   |
                           |   |
                        Item --+
                    Base --+   |
                           |   |
                 FindSupport --+