[Zope-dev] LocalFS trouble (zope-2.6.1 with python2.2.2)
Mon, 24 Mar 2003 15:30:52 +0900
I think that the LocalFS Product might have a problem with python
2.2.2. In my environment, zope object at the local file's URL has an
empty docstring, so that the site error occur.
I found that _getWrapper() function in LocalFS/LocalFS.py at line 294
return the object, and the class ObjectWrapper in the function define
the class, with empty docstring {__doc__ : None}. It may need to have
no '__doc__' in it's dict, in order to inherit base class docstring.
The ExtensionClass migth be working different way to define the class.
I dont't know whether the issue is owing to the ExtensionClass or the
for example:
from ExtensionClass import Base
class MyClass(Base):
"""this is MyClass"""
def __class_init__(self):
"""class intializer"""
class Wrapper:
"""this is Wrapper"""
def getWrapper():
class ObjectWrapper(Wrapper, MyClass): pass
return ObjectWrapper
if __name__ == '__main__':
w = getWrapper()
print 'docstring: ', w.__doc__
This script will display "docstring: this is Wrapper" with python 2.1.3,
but with python 2.2.2 will display "docstring: None"
Then, I wrote this patch for LocalFS/LocalFS.py:
294 class ObjectWrapper(Wrapper, c): pass
+ if ObjectWrapper.__dict__.has_key('__doc__'):
+ del ObjectWrapper.__dict__['__doc__']
Is it correct?
1) zope 2.6.1, python 2.1.3, gcc 2.95.3, and linux kernel 2.4.18.
2) zope 2.6.1, python 2.2.2, gcc 3.2.2, and linux kernel 2.4.20.
Shu Konno (owa)