[Zope-dev] Re: Possible Windows Service improvements.

Chris Withers chris at simplistix.co.uk
Thu Aug 5 09:17:30 EDT 2004

Hi All,

Tres Seaver wrote:
>> FWIW, Tim (most recently), I (second-most-recently), and Brian Lloyd
>> (least recently) are really the only people who have put a concerted
>> effort into keeping Zope running and installable acceptably under
>> Windows.  Ironically, I have no excuse; I don't use Windows as a server
>> platform and I've never actually had a customer who did.  Tim has an
>> excuse (he still works for ZC, which apparently does have customers that
>> use Windows as a server platform, and he uses Windows himself), but I
>> think everyone would agree that he really should be working on more
>> important things.  Brian has long ago disavowed any knowledge of making
>> Zope run under Windows.
> I know at least that Chris Withers cares, because he regularly complains 
> when I break stuff on Windows in the CMF. ;)  CC'ing him in case he 
> wants to step up to the plate.

Well, no, of course I don't ;-) My plate is full enough, to twist that 
slightly ;-)

The problem is that Windows is often the first place people get to try 
Zope: they install it on their desktop/laptop and then have a play, then 
decide if they want to use it.

Do we want to put them off with brokenness at that point and shrink our 
market of potential work?

Andy McKay seems to have this cracked with his recipe for building 
Windows installers. I see Mark Hammond is playing now too, and he of all 
people has the knowledge to crack the issues at hand, he even seems to 
have the wiullingness to fix things...

Chris - buck successfully passed ;-)

Simplistix - Content Management, Zope & Python Consulting
            - http://www.simplistix.co.uk

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