[Zope-dev] 2.7 management_page_charset cannot be callable anymore

Hajime Nakagami nakagami at da2.so-net.ne.jp
Thu Jan 15 07:31:55 EST 2004


>Brian Lloyd wrote:
>> I forward-ported these to the 2.7 branch & the head. Any testing 
>> you can do to make sure I didn't break anything would be appreciated.
>Now I understand that you were responding to these messages:
>> > I think the problem is same as reported by Kazuya Fukamachi
>> > http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope-dev/2003-December/021315.html
>> > and me.
>> > http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope-dev/2003-December/021338.html
>Fixing properties.dtml does not fix the problem that
>management_page_charset cannot be a callable anymore. This means that 
>any logic to determine the right charset to use in displaying a page
>will fail to work (with an error) in Zope 2.7.(This can be fixed by
>rewriting the code to use a ComputedAttribute for management_page_charset.)
>So my problem and Hajime's may be different? Hajime?

Sorry I have not execute Zope 2.7 or HEAD now.
But I think needs not only the patch, 
but also below
Index: properties.dtml
RCS file: /cvs-repository/Zope/lib/python/OFS/dtml/properties.dtml,v
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -c -r1.15 properties.dtml
*** properties.dtml     14 Jan 2004 20:07:01 -0000      1.15
--- properties.dtml     15 Jan 2004 12:17:50 -0000
*** 5,10 ****
--- 5,11 ----
      around. This means that this feature is not likely to be supported
      in all future versions of zope.
+     <dtml-call "REQUEST.set( 'management_page_charset',management_page_charset)">
      <dtml-call "REQUEST.set('management_page_charset_tag','')">

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