[Zope-dev] Zope Start Script Woes

Peter Sabaini peter at sabaini.at
Wed Jan 21 11:18:24 EST 2004

I'm no big shell scripter, some suggestions anyway...

* I think you might be missing an INSTANCE_HOME parameter here, 
something like

     # what we'd like but won't recognize instance home
     # exec /usr/bin/python $ZOPE_BASE/z2.py -z $ZOPE_BASE -u $USER \
     #     -w $HTTP_PORT -f $FTP_PORT -t $THREADS -Z $MANAGER \
     #     -D "$@" $INSTANCE_HOME/var/startup.log &

or export the INSTANCE_HOME

* Are you shure you want to start Zope in debug mode?

* You might want to check 
, I put some (very much simpler) startup scripts there

* Finally, the upcoming Zope 2.7 should behave much better wrt this (if 
thats any help to you :-))

  - peter.

Sean Duffy wrote:
> Hi,
> These are probably more shell scripting issues, but I'm hoping that 
> some scripter with an agile mind will show me the error of my ways, 
> so here goes.
> I have borrowed a script from the zope site and modified it for my
> purposes, and it 'sort of' works.  The issues are:
> Can't seem to get the Instance-Home stuff to work right without local
> start scripts in each directory.  Right below the $INSTANCE_HOME/start
> is the line I'd like to use to simplify the management of the 
> instances.
> Can't get stop to work right.  First 'stop' is not an instance, then 
> the first instance does appear to get stopped, but it errors on the 
> other two.  
> I get a 'start0' for the value of $WAIT in the starting text display.
> (should just be a big fat zero or one!)
> And for some reason, the script dumps the entire local environment to
> the display before it does anything; any ideas why?
> All constructive criticism welcome, and I'll take some flames 
> (high of 22 today).
> System is RedHat-9.0 Zope-2.6.2 Python-2.2.3 
> Zope is installed in /usr/local/zope
> Instances are /var/zope-sites/
> Here's the script:
> #!/bin/sh
> # /etc/init.d/zope-instances
> #
> # Starts or stops multiple instances of zope one by one or all at ones.
> # Configuration is done all through one configuration file 
> # /etc/zope-instances.conf which defines the location of the data-files,
> # the user to run the instance, FTP portnrs, number of threads and if
> the 
> # zdaemon should be used (to start a new instance should the one crash) 
> # all configurable per instance.
> #
> # Steps for creating and running a new instance:
> #   - start with a normal working (fresh) distribution of Zope
> # ... snip ...
> #   - edit /etc/zope-instances.conf to run the new instance as you
> desire
> #   - start the new instance (/etc/init.d/zope-instances start
> instance-name)
> #
> # Note: this script is only tested for Red Hat distributions. 
> # Locations of scripts may vary from various distributions. 
> # Use at own risk.
> #
> # created: Chaim Zax (chaim at climbing.nl)
> # version 0.02, dd. 29-3-'03
> # version 0.02a, stuffduff 20-01-'04
> INSTANCES_CONF="/etc/zope-instances.conf"
> DEFAULT_USER="www-data"
> ZOPE_BASE="/usr/local/zope" 
> PS="ps wax"
> # Log- and pid-files
> ZDAEMON_PIDFILE="/var/zProcessManager.pid"
> ZDAEMON_LOGFILE="/var/Z2_debug.log"
> ZOPE_PIDFILE="/var/Z2.pid"
> ZOPE_LOGFILE="/var/Z2.log"
> ZOPE_DEBUGFILE="/var/zope-debug.log"
> # Function for showing help-text how to use this script
> helpText ()
> {
>   echo "Starts or stops multiple instances of zope one by one or all 
> at
> ones."
>   echo
>   echo "  zope-instance [start/stop/restart/info/kill] [instance-name]
> [-w] [-h]"
>   echo
>   echo "             start/stop    : starts or stops one or all
> zope-instances"
>   echo "             restart       : restarts one or all zope-
> instances"
>   echo "             info          : gets instance info as well as 
> their
> current status"
>   echo "             kill          : kills one or all zope-instances,
> even if orphaned"
>   echo "                             USE THIS ONLY WHEN ZOPE SPINS OUT
>   echo "             instance-name : if not provided or 'all' 
> indicates
> all instances,"
>   echo "                             else acts only on the given
> instance"
>   echo "             -w            : Do not wait for instance to
> startup"
>   echo "             -h            : This help-text"
> }
> startZope ()
> {
>   startingAndStopping "start" $1 $2
> }
> stopZope ()
> {
>   startingAndStopping "stop" $1 "-"
> }
> restartZope ()
> {
>   startingAndStopping "restart" $1 $2
> }
> infoZope ()
> {
>   startingAndStopping "info" $1 "-"
> }
> killZope ()
> {
>   if [[ $1 == "all" ]]; then
>     killAll
>   else
>     killInstance $1
>   fi
> }
> # Start one or more instances depending of $1 and $2
> startingAndStopping ()
> {
>   MODE=$1  # mode is 'start', 'restart', 'stop' or 'info'
>   WAIT=$3
>   if [ ! -e $INSTANCES_CONF ]; then
>     echo "ERROR: No configuration file '$INSTANCES_CONF'"
>     exit 1
>   fi
>   SETUP="no"
>   # sift through the configuration file, one line at a time
>   while read LINE; do
>     if [[ ${LINE::1} != "#" ]]; then
>       set $LINE
>       if [[ $1 != "" ]]; then
>         # starts, restarts or stops all instances (one per loop)
>         if [[ $INSTANCE == "all" ]]; then
>           STARTUP_MODE=$8
>           if [[ $STARTUP_MODE == 'start' || ($MODE != 'start' && $MODE
> != 'restart') ]]; then
>             actionOnInstance $MODE $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $WAIT
>           fi
>           SETUP="done"
>         # starts or stops only the provided instance and breaks out of
> the loop
>         elif [[ $INSTANCE == $1 ]]; then
>           actionOnInstance $MODE $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $WAIT
>           SETUP="done"
>           break
>         fi
>       fi
>     fi
>   done < $INSTANCES_CONF
>   # the instance-name doesn't correspond to the ones in the
> configuration file
>   if [[ $SETUP == "no" ]]; then
>     echo "ZOPE-INSTANCE NOT STARTED/STOPPED! No instance found with
> name'$INSTANCE'. Check the configuration file ($INSTANCES_CONF)."
>     echo "Possible options are:"
>     echo "- all (for starting and stopping all zope instances below)"
>     cat $INSTANCES_CONF | awk '{ print "- " $1 }' | grep -v "#"
>   fi
> }
> actionOnInstance () 
> {
>   MODE=$1
>   WAIT=$10
>   if [[ $MODE == "start" ]]; then
>     startInstance $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $WAIT
>   elif [[ $MODE == "restart" ]]; then
>     stopInstance $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8
>     sleep 1
>     startInstance $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $WAIT
>   elif [[ $MODE == "stop" ]]; then
>     stopInstance $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9
>   elif [[ $MODE == "info" ]]; then
>     infoOnInstance $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9
>   else
>     echo "Error: Unknown action on instance $1"
>   fi
> }
> # with name, data directory, user, HTTP portnr, FTP portnr, number of
> threads, manager
> startInstance ()
> {
>   USER=$3
>   HTTP_PORT=$4
>   FTP_PORT=$5
>   THREADS=$6
>   WAIT=$9
>   # check for a running or starting instance, abort if found
>   if [[ "`isHumming $INSTANCE_NAME`" = "yes" ]]; then
>     if [ -e $INSTANCE_HOME$ZOPE_PIDFILE ]; then
>       echo "Zope-instance '$INSTANCE_NAME' is already running."
>     else
>       echo "Zope-instance '$INSTANCE_NAME' is already being started."
>     fi
>   else
>     # remove old pid files in case of a previous crash
>     echo "Starting Zope-instance: $INSTANCE_NAME..."
>     echo "     data: '$INSTANCE_HOME', user: '$USER'"
>     echo "     http: $HTTP_PORT, ftp: $FTP_PORT, threads: $THREADS,"
>     echo "     use manager: $USE_MANAGER, default: $STARTUP_MODE, 
> wait:
> $WAIT"
>     # create the necessary startup parameters
>     if [[ $USER == "default" ]]; then
>     fi
>     if [[ $USE_MANAGER == "yes" ]]; then
>       MANAGER="1"
>     else
>       MANAGER="0"
>     fi
>     if [[ $ZOPE_DEBUGFILE != "" ]]; then
>       Z_DEBUG_MODE=1
>     fi
>     # what works
>     $INSTANCE_HOME/start &
>     # what we'd like but won't recognize instance home
>     # exec /usr/bin/python $ZOPE_BASE/z2.py -z $ZOPE_BASE -u $USER \
>     #     -w $HTTP_PORT -f $FTP_PORT -t $THREADS -Z $MANAGER \
>     #     -D "$@" $INSTANCE_HOME/var/startup.log &
>     # wait for the instance to start up.
>     WAIT="1"
>     if [[ $WAIT == 1 ]]; then
>       echo -n "     starting"
>       waitForStartup $INSTANCE_NAME
>     fi
>     echo
>   fi
> }
> stopInstance ()
> {
>   # check for a running or starting instance, abort if found
>   if [[ "`isHumming $INSTANCE_NAME`" = "yes" ]]; then
>     if [ ! -e $INSTANCE_HOME$ZOPE_PIDFILE ]; then
>       echo "Zope-instance '$INSTANCE_NAME' is being started. Wait for it
> to start up before stopping it, or kill ALL zope processes with the
> 'kill-all' option (not recommended)."
>       echo
>     else
>       # If we're running the zdaemon, kill it first to prevent it from 
>       # re-spawning a new zope-instance.
>       if [ -e $INSTANCE_HOME$ZDAEMON_PIDFILE ]; then
>         echo -n "Stopping ZDaemon for $INSTANCE_NAME... "
>         kill $ZDAEMON_PID 2/dev/null && true
>         echo "done"
>       fi
>       # Kill the actual zope-instance
>       if [ -e $INSTANCE_HOME$ZOPE_PIDFILE ]; then
>         echo -n "Stopping Zope-instance: $INSTANCE_NAME... "
>         ZOPE_PID=`cat $INSTANCE_HOME$ZOPE_PIDFILE | cut -d' ' -f2`
>         kill $ZOPE_PID 2/dev/null && true
>         echo "done"
>       else
>         echo "Zope-instance '$INSTANCE_NAME' was not running"
>       fi
>       cleanUp $INSTANCE_HOME
>     fi
>   else
>     echo "Zope-instance '$INSTANCE_NAME' was not running"
>     cleanUp $INSTANCE_HOME
>   fi
> }
> # remove all floating pid and socket files
> cleanUp () 
> {
>   # Do some cleaning up.
>   fi
>   if [ -e $INSTANCE_HOME$ZOPE_PIDFILE ]; then
>   fi
> }
> infoOnInstance ()
> {
>   USER=$3
>   HTTP_PORT=$4
>   FTP_PORT=$5
>   THREADS=$6
>   WAIT=$9
>   echo "Status of Zope-instance: $INSTANCE_NAME"
>   echo "     data: '$INSTANCE_HOME', user: '$USER'"
>   echo "     http: $HTTP_PORT, ftp: $FTP_PORT, threads: $THREADS,"
>   echo "     use manager: $USE_MANAGER, default: $STARTUP_MODE, wait:
> $WAIT"
>   echo -n "     current status: "
>   # check if an instance of z2.py is running with the correct
> instance-name
>   # check for a running zdaeom with the correct pid
>     if [[ "`ps wax | awk '{ print $1 }' | grep $ZDAEMON_PID`" != "" ]];
> then
>       ZDAEMON="running"
>     else
>       ZDAEMON="crashed"
>     fi
>   else
>     ZDAEMON="off_or_starting"
>   fi
>   # check for a running zope with the correct pid
>   if [ -e $INSTANCE_HOME$ZOPE_PIDFILE ]; then
>     ZOPE_PID=`cat $INSTANCE_HOME$ZOPE_PIDFILE | cut -d' ' -f2`
>     if [[ "`ps wax | awk '{ print $1 }' | grep $ZOPE_PID`" != "" ]];
> then
>       ZOPE="running"
>     else
>       ZOPE="crashed"
>     fi
>   else
>     ZOPE="off_or_starting"
>   fi
>   # lets make sense of what we have found
>   if [[ $ZOPE == "running" ]]; then
>     if [[ $ZDAEMON == "running" ]]; then
>       echo "RUNNING (ZDaemon running as well)"
>     else
>       echo "RUNNING (without ZDaemon)"
>     fi
>   elif [[ $ZOPE == "crashed" ]]; then
>     if [[ $ZDAEMON == "running" ]]; then
>       echo "RESTARTING after crash (if all is well)"
>     else
>       if [[ $HUMMING = "yes" ]]; then
>         echo "CRASHED, but zope is still humming (sorry, i can't figure
> it out)"
>       else
>         echo "CRASHED, AND NOT BEING RESTARTED (ZDaemon not running)"
>       fi
>     fi
>   elif [[ $ZOPE == "off_or_starting" ]]; then
>     if [[ $HUMMING = "yes" ]]; then
>       echo "BEING STARTED"
>     else
>       echo "NOT RUNNING"
>     fi
>   else
>     echo "ERROR IN SCRIPT (sorry)"
>   fi
>   echo
> }
> isHumming ()
> {
>   HUMMING=`$PS | grep -v grep | grep "z2\.py.*$INSTANCE_NAME"`
>   if [[ $HUMMING != "" ]]; then
>     echo "yes"
>   else
>     echo "no"
>   fi
> }
> waitForStartup () 
> {
>   TIMEOUT=300
>   while [[ $TIMEOUT 0 && "`isStarted $INSTANCE_NAME`" == "no" ]]; do
>     sleep 1
>     echo -n '.'
>     TIMEOUT=`expr $TIMEOUT - 1`
>   done
>   if [[ "`isStarted $INSTANCE_NAME`" == "yes" ]]; then
>     echo "done"
>   else
>     echo "FAILED"
>   fi
> }
> isStarted () 
> {
>   if [ -e $INSTANCE_HOME$ZOPE_PIDFILE ]; then
>     ZOPE_PID=`cat $INSTANCE_HOME$ZOPE_PIDFILE | cut -d' ' -f2`
>     if [[ $ZOPE_PID != "" ]]; then
>       echo "yes"
>     else
>       echo "no"
>     fi
>   else
>     echo "no"
>   fi
> }
> killAll () 
> {
>   kill `ps wax | grep z2.py | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $1 }'`
> }
> killInstance ()
> {
>   kill `$PS | grep -v grep | grep "z2\.py.*$INSTANCE_NAME" | awk '{
> print $1 }'`
> }
> # --- main ----
> if [[ $# 1 && $2 != "-w" ]]; then
> else
>   INSTANCE="all"
> fi
> if [[ $2 == "-w" || $3 == "-w" ]]; then
>   WAIT=0
> else
>   WAIT=1    
> fi
> # these are our options...
> case $1 in
>   "start")
>     startZope $INSTANCE $WAIT ;;
>   "stop")
>     stopZope $INSTANCE ;;
>   "restart")
>     restartZope $INSTANCE $WAIT ;;
>   "info")
>     infoZope $INSTANCE ;;
>   "kill")
>     killZope $INSTANCE ;;
>   "-h")
>     helpText
>     exit 0 ;;
>   *)
>     echo "Unknown option '$1'"
>     helpText
>     exit 1
> esac
> And here's the conf:
> # /etc/zope-instances.conf
> #
> # Configuration file to run zope with mulitple instances. This file is
> used 
> # with the /etc/init.d/zope-instances script to start and stop the zope 
> # instances described below.
> #
> # name, data directory, user, http portnr, ftp portnr, number of
> threads, manager, default
> dev	/var/zope-sites/dev	zope	8082	8022    1  no	start
> qat	/var/zope-sites/qat	zope	8081	-       2  no	start
> prd	/var/zope-sites/prd	zope	8080	-       4  yes	start
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> (Related lists - 
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