[Zope-dev] RE: Resolved security-related collector issues forthepublic?

Richard Waid richard at iopen.net
Thu Jan 22 15:45:43 EST 2004

Brian Lloyd wrote:
> ...or will decide that doing so is unreasonable and use something 
> else instead :(  Note that I'm not necessarily criticizing that 
> particular policy, just pointing out that _any_ policy will have 
> some upside and some downside. The challenge will be coming to 
> agreement on a policy with the right balance that everyone can 
> live with.

How about something along the lines of:

- Development team only disclosure for the first x days (2 to 7 days is 
the maximum here I would think), in order to develop a workaround/patch.

- Full disclosure after that, along with a published patch, hotfix or 

Other recommendations:

- Increase the number of people who have access to the security section 
of the collector, to increase the chance that it will be discussed.

- Form a closed security list for discussing such things amongst 
selected developers, away from the general public gaze (does such a 
thing already exist?)

At some stage the sysadmin has to take responsibility for the packages 
they are using. I tend to believe, as almost certainly most of the 
security community does, that not all crackers are just script-kiddies 
waiting for an exploit. Lets face facts -- if someone is reporting an 
exploitable hole, anyone else (white/black/grey hat) could have also 
found it.

I for one would love to know things like:

   Jamie Heilman wrote:
   >Clemens Robbenhaar wrote:
   >> malicious Python Scripts on my site (I guess , and I do not use
   >> DTML
   >> or some Tree-stuff -- thus I did not upgrade yet, and You may feel
   >> free

   >Actually... unless you've altered the ZMI and HelpSys, you do use
   >dtml-tree ...and HelpSys is publically traversable by default.

Anyone else spot the irony in the situation that _all_ the available 
security holes are available to a user who cracks the Zope collector site?


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