[Zope-dev] Re: ZCatalog fast as admin, dog slow as anonymous and other users

Tres Seaver tseaver at zope.com
Fri Jan 30 13:17:35 EST 2004

Jason Spisak wrote:
> Zopistas,
> My ZCatalog is fast as admin, but dog slow as anonymous and other users. 
>  Anyone had this same experience?  Details:
> marjors:
> Zope 2.6.2
> CMF 1.3
> Plone 1.0.5
> about 50,000 cataloged objects  (dual xenon server, plenty of ram, RAID)
> User folder has 15k users in it, but admin is one of those users.
> i've factored it way down and a simple search with just 1 Event loaded, 
> like:
> return context.portal_catalog(Type='Event')
> is instantaneous for the 'admin' user, but takes about 10 seconds to 
> return 1 SINGLE object.  (only 1 Event loaded)  imagine the time it 
> takes to search and display 1300 events (which is what's normally in 
> there).  ouch.  i've rebuilt the indexes, and still no dice.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.

This symptom probably has to do with the login in the CMF catalog which 
filters results based on the effective - expiration dates, for anybody 
without the "View inactive content" permission.  I would guess that your 
portal_catalog is *not* using a DateRangeIndex to filter such content, 
but is still using the individual 'effective' and 'expires' indexes.

To fix this:

   - Add a DateRangeIndex, 'effectiveRange', to your portal_catalog;
     set its start attribute to 'effective' and its stop attribute to

   - Patch CMFCore/CatalogTool.py using the attached patch file (made
     against the released 1.3 version).

Tres Seaver                                tseaver at zope.com
Zope Corporation      "Zope Dealers"       http://www.zope.com
-------------- next part --------------
Index: CMFCore/CatalogTool.py
RCS file: /cvs-repository/CMF/CMFCore/CatalogTool.py,v
retrieving revision
diff -c -r1.30.4.6 CatalogTool.py
*** CMFCore/CatalogTool.py	1 Aug 2002 19:07:55 -0000
--- CMFCore/CatalogTool.py	30 Jan 2004 18:16:37 -0000
*** 12,18 ****
  """ Basic portal catalog.
! $Id$
  import os
--- 12,18 ----
  """ Basic portal catalog.
! $Id: CatalogTool.py,v 2002/08/01 19:07:55 tseaver Exp $
  import os
*** 202,215 ****
          if not _checkPermission(
              CMFCorePermissions.AccessInactivePortalContent, self ):
              base = aq_base( self )
!             now = DateTime()
!             if hasattr( base, 'addIndex' ):   # Zope 2.4 and above
!                 kw[ 'effective' ] = { 'query' : now, 'range' : 'max' }
!                 kw[ 'expires'   ] = { 'query' : now, 'range' : 'min' }
!             else:                             # Zope 2.3
!                 kw[ 'effective'      ] = kw[ 'expires' ] = now
!                 kw[ 'effective_usage'] = 'range:max'
!                 kw[ 'expires_usage'  ] = 'range:min'
          return apply(ZCatalog.searchResults, (self, REQUEST), kw)
--- 202,208 ----
          if not _checkPermission(
              CMFCorePermissions.AccessInactivePortalContent, self ):
              base = aq_base( self )
!             kw[ 'effectiveRange' ] = DateTime()
          return apply(ZCatalog.searchResults, (self, REQUEST), kw)

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