[Zope-dev] ERROR(200) ZODB Couldn't load state for... Memory problem?

Russ Ferriday russf at topia.com
Mon Jul 26 03:42:36 EDT 2004

This thread's not over 'til the fat lady sings.

OK, so apologies first:

Paul Winkler's comment in this thread was nearer the mark than Tres 
Seavers. clienthome is not relevant to where caches are created, and of 
course I need zeo-client-home.

Problem is now that zeo-client-home seems not to have the intended 
I set zeo-client-home to zeo1, in my first conf file and restart, but 
never see any cache files of that name.
I traced as far as the parse handler zeo_client_home. It's invoked with 
the correct value. But it stuffs the value into the env, and I can't 
see any other reference to ZEO_CLIENT pulling it back out of there 
Working up the stack trace from ClientCache.py, where the files are 
created (*-None-*), my client value is always None, but there's a gap 
in the middle that I did not bridge, around BaseConfig and ZeoConfig.

Has anyone been successful naming cache files? I'm on OSX Panther 10.3.


I've traced through to the zeo_client_name handler, and see the name of
On 23 Jul 2004, at 21:37, Chris McDonough wrote:

> On Fri, 2004-07-23 at 16:21, Tim Peters wrote:
>> [Chris McDonough]
>>> ...
>>>          self._f[current] = open(self._p[current],'w+b')
>>> .... will be likely to fail at the last line if you're using
>>> nonpersistent cache files, because self._p[current] is (bogus)
>>> '1-None-0' (relative bogus filename).
>> Is it really *likely* to fail?
> I suppose it depends on the working directory of the shell/process used
> to start Zope.  Zope doesn't mess with the working directory on its 
> own,
> If you follow Richard Stevens' ("UNIX Network Programming" guy,
> apparently now dead) advice, he says that "well-behaved" daemon
> processes should change their working directory to "/".  So I suspect
> there are daemonizers that do this.
> Guido's zdrun daemon (which "zopectl" uses) gives you an option to set
> the working directory of the daemonized process, but I don't use it
> (neither zdrun nor the option, that is).  It does nothing to the 
> working
> directory by default.
> But I think the common case is that the program is run out of an
> /etc/init.d "rc" script, and I suspect the working directory is "/" 
> when
> Zope gets started in that circumstance.  Which I guess makes the error
> understandable.
>> It's just a name, and it's opened in
>> 'w' ('+b') mode, not 'r' mode.  That is, it creates the file -- no
>> file of that name need already exist (and if one does, it tries to
>> overrwrite it).  Running on Windows most days, I'm not usually aware
>> of all the permission bugs Linuxheads delight in torturing themselves
>> with <wink>.
> Yes.  Gotta agree with you there.  I don't think a day passes where I
> don't want to rip the face off the guy who proclaimed that TCP ports
> below 1024 couldn't be bound to by a user other than root.  What a
> disaster.
>>> There should probably be a _using_persistent_cache flag attr rather 
>>> than
>>> trying to inspect self._p to find out if we're using persistent 
>>> caches.
>> +1.  As you later discovered, this "hmm, let's try to guess what we're
>> doing based on obscure droppings" business is a continuing bug
>> factory.
> Thankfully, Dieter fixed it so it doesn't (at least in this one case).
>>> I may try to work up a patch + test for this later.
>> I'm neutral on whether you try, but +1 on you actually doing it 
>> <wink>.
> Too late!  It's already fixed.  I didn't know either. ;-)  This thread
> was full of sound and fury....
> - C
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Russ Ferriday
Solution Workshops for Plone
(+44) (0) 7789 338868
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