[Zope-dev] Re: Update Zope Site With Unix Python Scripts

Tres Seaver tseaver at zope.com
Wed Jun 2 10:53:04 EDT 2004

Adriana Monti wrote:

> I am looking for a way to run custom python scripts in Unix, scheduled 
> through cron, that will update the ZODB of our Zope site.  The 
> requirement is that our site cannot be shut down to accommodate this.  
> We are running Zope 2.7.0.  I tried "zopectl run", but I had to bring 
> down our site to run the script.
> Does anyone update their Zope site using batch scripts without shutting 
> down their site?

If you set up your site using ZEO, then a script executed via 'zopectl 
run' can open a database connection while your server remains up.

Tres Seaver                                tseaver at zope.com
Zope Corporation      "Zope Dealers"       http://www.zope.com

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