[Zope-dev] Product Access to Files

Ian Beatty beatty at physics.umass.edu
Wed Mar 10 10:38:43 EST 2004

On 2004-03-10 10:14 AM, Chris Withers is reputed to have said:

> Ian Beatty wrote:
>> I've been messing around with DTMLFile and ClassicHTMLFile and the like,
>> haven't been able to figure out how to get it to work for arbitrary paths.
>> They also require all my file names end in '.dtml', which is quite a pain.
>> Any suggestions?
> Local FS?
> What Sandor said?
> Apache and rewrite rules?

I'm overriding '__getitem__' and using Python's "os" package to directly
access the local file system. I just sniff the file name extension and set
the response content-type, then return the contents of the named file.
Simple and stupid.

I actually delegate the file-serving to a helper class, and use recursion to
handle arbitrary-length paths for arbitrary-depth file system hierarchies.

Simple, stupid, and inelegant, but it seems to work.

FileSystemSite seemed geared towards providing ZMI access to static files. I
just want my product to be able to dish out preset files that are part of
the product.

(If anyone's curious, I'm using a Zope product for a back-end to a
Mozilla/XUL front-end. This static file stuff allows the product to provide
the XUL, JavaScript, and CSS files needed to define the Mozilla-based

Thanks for all the suggestions.



-- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- --
Dr. Ian Beatty                           beatty at physics.umass.edu
Physics Education Research Group              voice: 413.545.9483
Department of Physics                           fax: 413.545.4884
Univ. of Massachusetts              AIM: (available upon request)
Amherst, MA 01003-4525 USA       http://umperg.physics.umass.edu/
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