[Zope-dev] Question about _v_ attributes and database connections

Marco Bizzarri emmebi at icube.it
Thu Mar 11 02:51:03 EST 2004

On Wed, Mar 10, 2004 at 02:56:33PM +0000, Chris Withers wrote:
> Marco Bizzarri wrote:
> > What I would like to do is to have an hook to the removal of a _v_
> > attribute, so that I can perform some action *BEFORE* losing any
> > reference to the object itself. I look at the setattr code in
> > cPersistence.c and tried also to write my own __setattr__,
> __setattr__ isn't the hook you're looking for..

 Correct, I discovered that after some digging.
> This is better done in a transcation-hooking type way, a la CTM.py in 
> ZOracleDA...
> cheers,
> Chris

 I'm trying something inspired to that at the moment... I succeeded in
 installing an hack, very inspired from your code (but at a much simpler
 level) and some code in the SecurityManager, where I mantain a dictionary
 of connections, indexed by the result of thread.get_ident(). Once a
 thread needs a new connection, either it is present in the dictionary
 or not. If it is present, give it to the thread and assign that to the
 _v_database_connection attribute. Otherwise, create a new one, put in
 the dictionary, and go on as before.

 Of course this is a (horrible) hack, because if you have more than one
 ZPsycopg objects you will end with mixed connections (aaaaargh!)

 As a proof of concept however it works, and it is resistent to the
 refreshing of other products (not the ZPsycopg one).


> -- 
> Simplistix - Content Management, Zope & Python Consulting
>            - http://www.simplistix.co.uk

Marco Bizzarri - Amministratore Delegato - Icube S.r.l.
Sede:   Via Ridolfi 15 - 56124 Pisa (PI), Italia 
E-mail: m.bizzarri at icube.it		WWW: www.icube.it	
Tel: 	(+39) 050 97 02 07		Fax: (+39) 050 31 36 588	
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