[Zope-dev] university research survey on Zope community organization

Nicolas Jullien Nicolas.Jullien at enst-bretagne.fr
Mon Mar 29 08:36:03 EST 2004

We (some French researchers in economics and sociology from ENST 
Bretagne graduate school and CNRS), are working on free-open source 
software production and diffusion.
To do so we have chosen to focus on some projects, an Zope is one of them.

We have already met some Zope contributors, such as Paul Everitt, and 
today we survey 
Zope developers.

Your answer is very, very important for us, and for statistical reason 
we ask to everybody on the list to answer. The survey is online and 
takes 5 to 10 min to fill in 

Your answers will remain anonymous and will not be disclosed or used for 
other purpose than statistic work within that project. Feedback on the 
survey results will be published as soon as they will be produced.

Thank you very much by advance for your help !

Nicolas Jullien, Didier Demazière, François Horn

PS: in a second time, we will make a survey on the 'whole' Zope 
community, on Zope-announce. Of course, you won't need to fill in tis 

Coordinateur des programmes de recherche Marsouin.
(PhD) Research projects coordinator for Marsouin.

Les articles du séminaire Marsouin des 4 & 5 décembre : 

Tel/fax +33 (0) 229 001 245 / +33 (0) 229 001 173
GET-ENST Bretagne, Technopôle Brest Iroise CS 83818

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