[Zope-dev] Conflict errors on BDBMinimal storage

Chris McDonough chrism at plope.com
Mon May 17 12:45:16 EDT 2004

On Thu, 2004-05-13 at 05:23, Gerhard Schmidt wrote:
> Hi,
> whe are running portal unter zope2.7 with one zeo server and six frontend 
> application servers. 
> I have set up zeo to server two storages
> <filestorage main>
>   path $INSTANCE_HOME/var/Data.fs
> </filestorage>
> <minimalstorage temp>
>   envdir $INSTANCE_HOME/var/session
> </minimalstorage>
> temp should provide an shared session. But when is set up the frontends 
> to use temp as /temp_folder, we see many  ZODB conflict errors. The 
> performance decreases and PosErrors appear quite often. 

BDBMininalStorage is no longer maintained and doesn't do any "conflict
resolution".  Even though you'll need to pack frequently, you might want
to try a FileStorage instead.

Regardless, using ZEO will presumably always generate more conflict
errors than using a "local" ZODB because the commit time is longer, and
thus there's a better chance that two threads will be committing at the
same time.

- C

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