[Zope-dev] OS X 10.3.8 + mount_webdav + Zope all on powerbook

Florent Guillaume fg at nuxeo.com
Sat Apr 2 09:15:34 EST 2005

But why oh why are you useing mount_webdav for Zope's files ? In the
best case it would still slow down things immensely.


Pavel Zaitsev  <pavel at md5.ca> wrote:
> Good evening(or morning?);-),
> I am just wondering if any of you have such installation, I am having 
> problems with OS X because of Zope behaviour of HTTPRequest and cgi.py 
> it uses for FieldStorage which in turn uses TemporaryFile. I need 
> responses only from people that have OS X 10.3.8, zope 2.7+ mounted via 
> mount_webdav... I wish to cross notes before nuking my installation and 
> redoing the install, testing for the bug and filing it with apple.
> Problem is that when using mount_webdav agains zope, mount_webdav is 
> much too verbose and requests status for every entity in the directory, 
> invoking HTTPRequest and thus creating at least one temporary file per 
> listed. When sporradically browsing the mount point, zope comes in 
> conflict with some internal locks on the filesystem access that webdav 
> places...
> that is speculation from my experience. Open call never returns, I have 
> made tracebacks when the system stalls. Zope administrator process kill 
> the instance that does not respond to however it is being queried being 
> alive .. but its gone into the kernel and no threads are running, so it 
> is killed off and new instance of zope satisfies the webdav request 
> minuetes later ... everything comes back to life...
> I think I will modify cgi.py and release a patch so it does not use disk 
> based files maybe just pseudo memory files.
> So please post if you run zope and os x  with webdav mount in tandem 
> please...
> much thanks,
> pavel
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Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of R&D
+33 1 40 33 71 59   http://nuxeo.com   fg at nuxeo.com

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