[Zope-dev] Re: Unit Test Failures

Philipp von Weitershausen philipp at weitershausen.de
Mon Dec 19 10:45:10 EST 2005

Tim Peters wrote:
> > I'm not sure what it is testing, either;  CC'ing Phillip, whose
> > fingerprints are on it, according the 'svn blame', for clarification.
> These tests have "always" failed, and Phillip doesn't know why.
> Because they were failing, he changed them to run at level 2.  That's
> not what level 2 is for, though, and the failures became "visible" to
> everyone when the buildbot was changed to pass `--all` to test.py
> (--all runs tests at all levels, level 2 among them ;-)).

Yes, mea culpa.

> I opened a Collector issue on this about a month ago (I always run
> with `--all`, so these failures are old news to me):
>     http://www.zope.org/Collectors/Zope/1947

Rereading that issue again, it's totally surprising to see that there's no failure on
Windows, which makes its source even harder to debug. I wouldn't know where to start
(having tried to debug this problem in the past). Anyone got an idea?


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