[Zope-dev] Re: svn.zope.org borked

Jens Vagelpohl jens at dataflake.org
Mon Dec 19 16:37:14 EST 2005

On 19 Dec 2005, at 21:27, Jim Fulton wrote:
>> IMHO the process is straightforward and easy (except for the time  
>> it  will take),
> That fact alone adds complication, as that down time needs to be  
> scheduled.

OK, well, the only complication is setting a date really. Someone  
decides and publishes it on the different lists, end of story.

> > and there is no problem reverting to the previous state:
>> - run svnadmin dump on the old repository
>> - move the old repository aside
>> - create a new repository with fsfs backend
>> - run svnadmin load to load the data into the new repository
> I presume you also need to disable access to the repository while this
> is going on.  That means there are three input paths (viewcvs, svn:,
> svn+ssh:) that need to be disabled. Maybe that's just a matter of
> renaming the repo.

viewcvs is disabled by either shutting down Apache or putting up some  
meaningful error page. svn access is disabled by editing /etc/ 
xinetd.d/svn and restarting xinetd. svn+ssh can be disabled by  
editing /etc/ssh/sshd_config to restrict access. This is a matter of  
minutes, really.

>> At no point would any data be in danger. The problem I see on the   
>> current box is hard drive space. I'm not sure the remaining space  
>> is  enough to hold a complete dump *and* the new repository along  
>> with  the old one.
> The whole repository is only about 800 megs. There are over 8 gigs
> free.  Are the dump file or the file-based repo much larger in
> size the the Berkeley database?

I'm not sure, really, but knowing the current size (which I had not  
checked) makes me confident we're fine on that front.

> BTW, thanks for volunteering for this! It will be great not to
> fool with the Berkeley DB anymore. :)

Umh, more like force-volunteered now ;)  Which is fine, but in return  
I'd like someone else (maybe you?) to herd the cats and come up with  
a time frame where this can be done, and communicating it. I'll do  
everything on the technical side. Sound like a deal?


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