[Zope-dev] Re: svn.zope.org borked

Jens Vagelpohl jens at dataflake.org
Tue Dec 20 05:25:02 EST 2005

On 19 Dec 2005, at 22:08, Jim Fulton wrote:
> Sounds good.  I'll announce that the repo will be down for maintenance
> on the 25th,

Just FYI, during a dry run this morning I hit an obvious snag: The  
subversion packages on svn.zope.org are so ancient that they cannot  
create FSFS backends. What I was able to test so far is dumping: It  
takes just 10 minutes and creates a file 1.1GB in size, so that's good.

I had a look at the packages on the box and luckily the (rather  
obscure) source they are from does supply newer ones:


 From eyeballing the RPM requirements and then doing a dry-run the  
packages that will need updating are...

- swig (1.3.19-1.1 to 1.3.19-3)
- subversion (1.0.6-1 to 1.2.3-1)
- subversion-tools (1.0.6-1 to 1.2.3-1)
- subversion-python (1.0.6-1 to 1.2.3-1)

This additional packages needs to be installed for svn-tools:

- subversion-perl (1.2.3-1)

Since I cannot do any test right now for loading the dumpfile into a  
FSFS-based repository I suggest doing this package upgrade  
beforehand. It only takes a few minutes. I cannot make any guarantees  
that nothing will break, however. The only major upgrade to a running  
SVN setup that I have done was 1.1 to 1.2.1 and that was perfectly fine.

How should I proceed?


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