[Zope-dev] Clarification re: Zope X3.1, 2.8

Martijn Faassen faassen at infrae.com
Thu Mar 31 10:26:47 EST 2005

Tim Peters wrote:
> [Tim Peters]
> ...
>>>get_transaction() is more troublesome than _just_ that, alas:  there
>>>are about 160 instances of it across the stitched-in lib/python/zope,
>>>and Products/Five, code.  This causes lots of new deprecation warnings
>>>when running the tests.  These are easy to repair with 1-2 hours easy
>>>editing work, but again Zope trunk doesn't own the lib/python/zope
>>>code (where almost all of these appear).
> [Martijn Faassen]
>>Right, lib/python/zope is actually Zope X3.0.0, and we didn't expect
>>we'd need to *update* Zope X3.0 in order for it to work with Zope 2.8.
> I know.  That's why I pushed and pushed to get the branch merged
> "early" -- I knew _something_ would go wrong, I just didn't know what
> <wink>.

But it isn't going wrong, as ZODB 3.4 is there yet, right? :) We only 
find out because you tried it on some other branch? I'm not clear on 
where this went on...


> Suggestion:  I make a new copy of
>      Zope3/tags/ZopeX3-3.0.0-Zope-2.8-pr1/src/zope

If we're going to go that route, no need to make a copy, just use the 
branch that's already there for exactly this purpose:


and make a new -pr2 or -integration2 or whatever you like tag out of it 
when you're done.

> stitch that into Zope trunk (change the lib/python svn:externals to
> point to the new copy), do all the get_transaction() edits there, and
> repair the IDataManager glitch there too.  This could easily be done
> before lunch today (my time <wink>).

Just stitch back in the /branches/ZopeX3-3.0.0-Zope-2.8, and fix that, 
and then, when you're done, copy it to a new tag and update the external 
to that.

> If people are agreeable, help me pick a name for the new copy; I have
> no idea what the "pr1" is supposed to mean in the current name, but
> would like to stick to whatever naming convention is in use there.

Right, pr1 is out of date. What about?


for 'integration 2'? :)

>>Alternatively, we could make a branch for use in 2.8.  I don't
>>think this would really be a problem.
> Above, I'm volunteering to do the latter.  Somehow I get the
> impression that sticking an unplanned X3.0.1 release on the critical
> path for Zope 2.8 wouldn't go over well here <wink>.

Geez, that's true, thanks. :) I'm too addled today to even yammer about 
it a lot.



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