[Zope-dev] Re: Hard-coded "Content-type:text/xml" as xmlrpc in Zope
Florent Guillaume
fg at nuxeo.com
Mon Nov 21 19:43:03 EST 2005
[redirected to zope-dev]
John Ziniti wrote:
> Back in June 2004, I had the following problem:
> http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope/2004-June/151436.html
> http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope/2004-June/151492.html
> http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope/2004-June/151497.html
> http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope/2004-June/151498.html
> which came about because HTTPRequest.py was hard-coded
> to assume that any request with a Content-type of "text/xml"
> is an xmplrpc call and handles the request as such.
> I resolved this issue with the help of brian-CWUwpEBWKX0 at public.gmane.org, who
> gave me the XmlFix product, which monkey-patches the
> HTTPRequest.processInputs method to respond a bit more
> appropriately. We noted in the thread that although Zope's
> behavior is broken, it is unlikely to change for
> historical reasons. I am fine with this and felt comfortable
> with the simplicity and supportability of the monkey-patch.
> This monkey-patch was no longer effective recently when I
> upgraded our Zope instances to 2.8.1.
> Zope-2.8.1 now additionally has the zope.app.publication.
> HTTPPublicationRequestFactory class, which also assumes
> that "text/xml" means xmlrpc (in fact, it assumes that
> anything that startswith('text/xml') is an xmlrpc call).
> Not fixing old code which acts in strange hard-coded ways is
> something I understand, but adding new code that also
> acts that way seems like it is getting further away
> from "good" :)
> Can anything be done to change the behavior in the
> HTTPPublicationRequestFactory so that it is not so
> obtuse? My monkey-patch now has to munge two methods
> to make xml uploads work and I am less happy with it
> than I was before.
This could be turned into a "disable-xmlrpc" config option. Could you
provide your updated monkey-patch?
Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France) Director of R&D
+33 1 40 33 71 59 http://nuxeo.com fg at nuxeo.com
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