[Zope-dev] Re: [Proposal] RFC2396 compatible traversal parameters

Florent Guillaume fg at nuxeo.com
Mon Oct 24 10:19:15 EDT 2005

I really really wouldn't want to see added on top of the current Zope2 

The Zope 2 publisher (and the various traversal mechanisms -- publisher, 
restrictedTraverse, TALES) should first be refactored to use Zope 3 
mechanisms, and only after that is done should we consider adding the kind 
of feature you propose.


Dieter Maurer wrote:
> Title: RFC2396 compatible traversal parameters
> Version: 1.0
> Last-Modified: 2005/10/23
> Author: Dieter Maurer <dieter at handshake.de>
> Content-Type: text/x-rst
> Created: 23-October-2005
> Abstract
> ========
> RFC2396 defines the overall uri structure. Hierachical uri schemes
> have a path component consisting of a sequence of path segments.
> Each path segment consists of a name and optionally a sequence of
> parameters separated by ``;``. This proposal describes how Zope's
> publishing component can be enhanced to support path segment parameters,
> herein called traversal parameters.
> Rationale
> =========
> There are some important use cases that require information to be
> kept across successive requests. The most prominent ones are maintaining
> the session id as well as skin and language selection.
> We recently met more special ones: keeping tab activation and information about
> the authentication domain (for remote login).
> The currently available solutions store this information in:
>  - the session
>  - a cookie
>  - the URL
> Session and cookie storage have the disadvantages that they do not play well
> with the browser's history function and that they can seriously confuse caching
> (mittigated a bit by appropriate 'vary' cache controls, but not solved). 
> Furthermore, cookies might not be available for security reasons.
> URL storage does not suffer these disadvantages but currently
> requires the introduction of artificial path segments for
> the additional information and
> difficult traversal magic to prevent the artificial segments
> from interfering with the traversal process.
> Traversal parameters can solve this much more naturally than
> artificial path segments.
> Zope currently does not support traversal parameters.
> Usage types
> ===========
> Traversal parameters can have two kinds of uses:
>  - controlling the traversal process itself
>  - providing information for the whole request
> Skin selection belongs for example to the first kind,
> tab activation to the second one; language selection may
> belong to either of them.
> While it seems most natural to attach information for the
> whole request to the last path segment, it is much
> more practical to use some path segment further to the front
> as this information might be used automatically (without explicit
> URL construction) by relative uri references.
> Risks
> =====
> Support for traversal parameters controlling the traversal process
> itself will inevitably require deeper changes in Zope's traversal
> implementation. As this implementation is already quite complex and
> supports many use cases, the new extension might break some of them.
> I will outline the special risks in the solution part.
> There might be clients not implementing RFC 2396. Such clients might
> support parameters only at the path end and view everything after
> the first ``;`` as part of the parameters. Such clients might resolve
> relative uri references incorrectly in the presence of traversal
> parameters.
> Proposed solution
> =================
> The solution modifies Zope's ``ZPublisher.BaseRequest.BaseRequest.traverse``.
> Currently, the ``path`` argument is split into a sequence of names,
> maintained reversed in the ``TraversalRequestNameStack``.
> The solution splits it into a sequence of pairs, consisting of
> the name and the sequence of parameters. ``TraversalRequestNameStack``
> will contain the name only when the parameter sequence is empty
> but the pair, otherwise. Usually, this will allow traversal magic (modification
> of ``TraversalRequestNameStack`` to change the traversal process) to
> continue to work as previously unless it hits a pair when it expects a
> name only. Such (hopefully rare) cases will break.
> When the traversal process has located a subobject, it checks
> whether it has a ``__traversal_parameter_process_hook__``. If so,
> it calls it with ``request`` and the parameter list as arguments.
> The method may change the list which will affect the
> parameters added to the constructed (URL) path segment.
> The traversal will maintain the parameters for the current step
> in ``TraversalRequestStepParameterList`` to make them available
> for ``__bobo_traverse__``. An aware ``__bobo_traverse__`` implementation
> might change this list affecting the parameters seen in further processing.
> To support parameters destined to the complete request (rather than
> individual traversal steps), all found parameters are collected
> in ``TraversalRequestCollectedParameterList``. Individual steps
> that want to modify the collected parameters can assign a new
> list to ``TraversalRequestStepCollectParameterList``. The original
> value is a reference to ``TraversalRequestStepParameterList``.
> Thus, if it is changed in place, this other list changes as well.
> For an application, it is difficult to work with parameter lists.
> Therefore, ``BaseRequest`` gets the new method ``dictifyTraversalParameters``.
> It takes a parameter list as argument and returns a parameter dictionary.
> It performs the same conversions and assemblies as
> ``ZPublisher.HTTPRequest.HTTPRequest.processInputs``. To
> avoid code duplication, ``processInputs`` is refactored.
> After traversal, the request gets a lazy key
> ``TraversalRequestCollectedParameterDict``. It makes the collected
> traversal parameters available as a dictionary.
> ``BaseRequest`` gets a new method ``physicalPathToURL`` (that
> of ``HTTPRequest`` is modified accordingly). It checks whether an object
> on the path defines a ``__traversal_parameter_creation_hook__``.
> If so, it is called with the request as argument and can determine
> the path segment corresponding to this object. This allows
> ``absolute_url`` and friends to add request parameters to created
> URLs. There remain some open questions with respect to virtual hosting.
> I prefer that the URL parts corresponding to the virtual host
> cannot be modified by traversal parameters during URL construction.

Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of R&D
+33 1 40 33 71 59   http://nuxeo.com   fg at nuxeo.com

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