[Zope-dev] Experiencing TypeError: The object is not a PySECURITY_ATTRIBUTES object

Chris Mattmann chris.mattmann at jpl.nasa.gov
Wed Oct 26 20:40:03 EDT 2005

Hi Mark,

> BUT - reading Chris's mail, it seems he installed a Zope binary package,
> and
> manually added the Plone products to it.  In this case, I doubt Plone is
> mangling much, nor would it be copying pywintypes23.dll around.  Thus,
> unless there was a pre-existing pywintypes23.dll in system32, I don't see
> how this problem could happen.  I've asked Chris to let me know if there
> was
> that pre-existing DLL.

I guess I should qualify the "full process" that I went through to arrive at
the error I posted to the list. Before trying anything else, I first tried
to install the Plone 2.1.1 Windows installer, which worked fine, mind you.
Then, I ran into an error where my colleague and I were trying to do some
code along the lines of:

  final = super(ATImage, self).SearchableText() + ' ' + ' '.join(names)

which I guess the python version that Zope 2.7.8 uses doesn't support. Turns
out that the windows installer on the plone.org site for plone version 2.1.1
includes Zope 2.7.8, which as I said, doesn't seem to support the above
statement. So, in lieu of changing that code, my friend suggested upgrading
to Zope 2.8.2, which supports the above code (I'm guessing b/c the Python
version libraries included with that Zope can do the super() call). So, I
uninstalled the Plone windows installer and set about on my path of running
into the PySECURITY_ATTRIBUTES error with:

Plone 2.1.1, just the products
Zope 2.8.2, the tar.gz from the zope.org site
And Python 2.3.5, from the python.org site

So, it's entirely possible that even when I uninstalled the Plone 2.1.1
windows installer, that it didn't "uninstall" that pywintypes23.dll file
that you mention the windows installer installs by default. So, that may be
why I was seeing the error. I will report back soon on if I find that dll
file in my system32 directory. I'll also report the results of your patch
files applied to my environment, and whether they worked or not.

Thanks a lot, again!


> > It would be a lot
> > better if a Plone user tested the proposed solution before we release
> > another Windows Zope that may still turn out not to solve Plone's
> > problems here.
> I've mailed Chris the 2 relevant updated files to see if his problem goes
> away.  I guess that is a good start :)
> Cheers,
> Mark

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