[Zope-dev] Re: z3 server+publication refactor for z2

Andreas Jung lists at zopyx.com
Thu Apr 13 11:44:10 EDT 2006

--On 13. April 2006 11:38:38 -0400 Tres Seaver <tseaver at palladion.com> 

> Hash: SHA1
> Florent Guillaume wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Sidnei has been working on the Zope 2 publication-refactor branch  where
>> he's allowed the use of the Zope 3 Twisted-based server, and of  a Zope
>> 3 based publication process.
>> I'd like to see this merge branched in Zope 2 trunk because I'd like
>> Zope 2.10 to be Twisted-based. What's missing from the branch
>> preventing this? What problems have been encountered?
> - -1 to using Twisted by default in 2.10 -- it is still much slower than
> ZServer, AFAIK.  I don't think we have time to land this and get it
> tested before 2.10, frankely, although I wouldn't mind it, assuming that
> one had to explicitly configure the server to use Twisted.

Twisted as default really is not acceptable. If it is stable and does not 
inter with the rest of Zope we could include but it really depends on the 
stability and compatibility. Including it just for the sake having it in is 
not acceptable.


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