[ZODB-Dev] Re: [Zope-dev] Re: zLOG module deprecated

Andreas Jung lists at andreas-jung.com
Tue Jan 10 05:23:00 EST 2006

--On 10. Januar 2006 11:09:32 +0100 Lennart Regebro <regebro at gmail.com> 

> On 1/10/06, Andreas Jung <lists at andreas-jung.com> wrote:
>> This decision was made for Zope 2.8 (according to zLOG/__init__.py).
> How do you mean? As far as I can see, all the levels are still there in
> zLOG py. The question now is weather two of these levels should be
> removed, as I understand it because you don't understand why other people
> use them.
> I find that logic difficult to understand.

  This module exists only for backward compatibility.  Any new code
  for Zope 2.8 and newer should use the logging module from Python's
  standard library directly.  zLOG is only an API shim to map existing
  use of zLOG onto the standard logging API.

I don't read anything about using old log levels for new code. I read this 
as: use the Python logging module and if you need something special then 
implement it on your own. That's my interpretation.

Independent of the different interpretations: what is your suggestion?
Leave the zLOG in place? Leave something else in place? Do we need common
Zope logger architecture? Do we need one for Zope 2 and Zope 3? I still not 
getting the point why you can't use the logging module and extend if needed
inside your application or module?


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