[Zope-dev] Re: Zope 2.9.4

Andreas Jung lists at zopyx.com
Sat Jul 15 06:10:13 EDT 2006

--On 14. Juli 2006 16:01:22 -0400 Tres Seaver <tseaver at palladion.com> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Andreas Jung wrote:
>> If there are no objections, I plan to release Zope 2.9.4 in about one
>> week (likely next Thu or Fri).
> Even sooner would be fine with me.  I plan to release a 2.8.8 this
> weekend with the changes for the ReST fix (I already released a 2.7.9).

Should not be a problem for me..perhaps Monday...

> Note that the 2.9 branch depends at the moment on unreleased ZODB
> changes (for a fix to issue #2016) and that there is a sizable set of
> changes on the 3.2 branch after 3.2.1, at least some of which might be
> important for Zope2.

I think we should make another internal ZODB release. The current 
svn:externals for the ZODB (and other modules) use a revision number 
instead of a tag. This reminds me of some former discussion whether to use 
revision numbers or tags...what was the result of this discussion. I am 
very much in favor of using tag names...revision number tell you 
nothing...provide at least a reasonable version information...opinions?

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