[Zope-dev] Re: Options replacing DateTime with datetime!?

Alexander Limi limi at plone.org
Sun Aug 26 20:18:18 EDT 2007

On Sun, 26 Aug 2007 11:31:13 -0700, Andreas Jung <lists at zopyx.com> wrote:

> I would not care about some incompatibilities if people have the chance
> using the old version somehow (e.g. through a DT egg).

+1, for what it's worth. ;)

Dealing with the existing DateTime implementation has been pain since I  
started with Zope 2.0.1. I'd be willing to suffer some cleanup and  
compatibility work if it was fixed once and for all, as would anyone doing  
anything non-US-centric with dates, I imagine.

I don't know about the exact implementation details, but if it's possible  
to explicitly specify the old DateTime for older installations, that  
sounds like a great solution.

Alexander Limi ยท http://limi.net

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