[Zope-dev] z3c.formdemo test fails

Christophe Combelles ccomb at free.fr
Fri Dec 7 09:32:08 EST 2007


is it a problem with my setup?
When I launch the tests of z3c.formdemo (current trunk), I get:

Ran 130 tests with 3 failures and 0 errors in 11.699 seconds.

The three failures are very similar:

The first one is:

Failure in test /tmp/formdemo2/src/z3c/formdemo/message/README.txt
Failed doctest test for README.txt
   File "/tmp/formdemo2/src/z3c/formdemo/message/README.txt", line 0

File "/tmp/formdemo2/src/z3c/formdemo/message/README.txt", line 52, in README.txt
Failed example:
     testing.printElement(user, "//h1")
Exception raised:
     Traceback (most recent call last):
line 1356, in __run
         compileflags, 1) in test.globs
       File "<doctest README.txt[13]>", line 1, in ?
         testing.printElement(user, "//h1")
       File "/tmp/formdemo2/src/z3c/formdemo/testing.py", line 33, in printElement
         print result[0]
     IndexError: list index out of range

The second one is:

Failure in test /tmp/formdemo2/src/z3c/formdemo/questionnaire/README.txt
Failed doctest test for README.txt
   File "/tmp/formdemo2/src/z3c/formdemo/questionnaire/README.txt", line 0

File "/tmp/formdemo2/src/z3c/formdemo/questionnaire/README.txt", line 58, in 
Failed example:
     testing.printElement(user, "//table/tbody/tr[1]")
Exception raised:
     Traceback (most recent call last):
line 1356, in __run
         compileflags, 1) in test.globs
       File "<doctest README.txt[18]>", line 1, in ?
         testing.printElement(user, "//table/tbody/tr[1]")
       File "/tmp/formdemo2/src/z3c/formdemo/testing.py", line 33, in printElement
         print result[0]
     IndexError: list index out of range

the third one is:

Failure in test /tmp/formdemo2/src/z3c/formdemo/sqlmessage/README.txt
Failed doctest test for README.txt
   File "/tmp/formdemo2/src/z3c/formdemo/sqlmessage/README.txt", line 0

File "/tmp/formdemo2/src/z3c/formdemo/sqlmessage/README.txt", line 79, in README.txt
Failed example:
     testing.printElement(user, "//table/tbody/tr[1]")
Exception raised:
     Traceback (most recent call last):
line 1356, in __run
         compileflags, 1) in test.globs
       File "<doctest README.txt[20]>", line 1, in ?
         testing.printElement(user, "//table/tbody/tr[1]")
       File "/tmp/formdemo2/src/z3c/formdemo/testing.py", line 33, in printElement
         print result[0]
     IndexError: list index out of range

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