[Zope-dev] Re: Request typing (to get the xmlrpc layer discussion finished)

Ignas Mikalajunas ignas.mikalajunas at gmail.com
Thu Dec 20 10:27:26 EST 2007

> I don't really have time to read this whole discussion, but note that
> Grok's REST support uses ++rest++<protocolname> and then provides a rest
> layer (for that protocol) to the request. That sounds quite similar to
> what you are proposing for XMLRPC.
> It's still ugly as POST and GET need to be handled by something else
> than PUT and DELETE, unfortunately; you can't use a different publisher
> (publication? whatever the name is for this handle) for GET and POST as
> the interface isn't set at the point it kicks in.
> Regards,
> Martijn

In SchoolTool we used to start another server for REST to have a
different Publication for REST calls. As now I have started using
Paste to start up schooltool, and paste does not support 2 Zope3
servers running on different ports using the same WSGI application (at
least i don't know how to do that in paste.ini) I have opted for a
brute force solution - URL based dispatch in the
SchoolToolWSGIApplication code that switches between publications and
request types before Zope3 has a chance to pick the wrong set.

So instead of 2 servers for both applications now i have 1 WSGI
server, and a weird kind of midleware that selects the right
application (while both applications share the component registry and
ZODB). I kind of like it that way, I could even give the freedom for
the user to select the REST url prefix that he likes/wants to have,
just like he could configure the port of the REST server.


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