[Zope-dev] undeprecating zLOG

Chris McDonough chrism at plope.com
Thu Feb 1 12:31:12 EST 2007

On Feb 1, 2007, at 11:59 AM, Andreas Jung wrote:

> --On 1. Februar 2007 11:01:56 -0500 Chris McDonough  
> <chrism at plope.com> wrote:
>> How many people would get indignant if I checked in a fix that
>> undeprecated zLOG?  Removing the API seems silly, since its just a
>> wrapper around the logging module now anyway.
> -0. We could make zLOG available as egg or as downloadable product.

How would a user who got a zLOG import error know they needed to  
download something unless we leave a stub module and the deprecation  
warning in forever?  Leaving it in and undeprecating it would allow  
lots of old products to work without any changes or users needing to  
download anything.  This would be a win, IMO.  I'm not sure of the  
goal of deprecating it in the first place.

- C

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