[Zope-dev] Interest in "AdvancedQuery" and/or "ManagableIndex"?

Paul Winkler pw_lists at slinkp.com
Sat Feb 3 11:34:26 EST 2007

On Fri, Feb 02, 2007 at 10:36:37PM +0100, Dieter Maurer wrote:
> I have no problems to donate "AdvancedQuery" and/or "Managable
> Index"

+1 from me. I haven't used Managable Index, but AdvancedQuery is
great and more people should be aware of it.

> to the Zope Foundation *BUT* I will not modify the code to bring
> it in line with the different style requirements usually applied
> to Zope components: e.g.
>   * my code uses 2 blank indentation rather than the usual 4 blank
>     (to make it more readable and easier to maintain for me)

are you saying you would refuse the donation if somebody else wanted
to change it to 4 spaces?


Paul Winkler

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