[Zope-dev] Re: Interest in "AdvancedQuery" and/or "ManagableIndex"?

Philipp von Weitershausen philipp at weitershausen.de
Sun Feb 4 12:35:36 EST 2007

Dieter Maurer wrote:
> yuppie wrote at 2007-2-3 11:44 +0100:
>> ...
>> Unfortunately integrating a product into the Zope core means more than 
>> just adjusting the coding style:
>> - As already mentioned in this thread, monkey patches and code like 
>> fixPluginIndexes.py have to be resolved. AdvancedQuery contains a monkey 
>> patch for CMF - that should not be shipped with Zope core.
> "fixPluginIndexes" fixed (maybe meanwhile resolved) bugs in
> "Products.PluginIndexes.common.util.parseIndexRequest".
> The mentioned CMF monkey patch gives the "CatalogTool" the new method
> "evalAdvancedQuery", provided CMFCore is installed.
> I do not see why this monkey patch should not be applied.
> I am sure that I want to be able to use "AdvancedQuery" even
> with a "CatalogTool", if both are installed.

Monkey patches should be avoided when they can. I think that's something 
we don't need to discuss. Integrating a product into Zope is the perfect 
opportunity to get rid of monkey patches and consolidate the fixes into 
the main product lines. Therefore, the CMF should rather grow that 
method itself than having it patched in by Zope.

Either way, I think this point is mute since all the Plone community 
really wants is a public subversion repository with access to the code 
and "control over the code", which I would think is asking for a lot 
(you've indicated that reformatting the code would mean you wouldn't be 
available for maintenance anymore).

Whoever is asking for AdvancedQuery and other things to be in 
svn.zope.org or even Zope 2 itself ought to weigh the amount of 
maintenance work against the little potential (not actual!) benefits. I 
think we can leave everything as it is and if Plone needs it in an svn 
repo, heck, why not do vendor imports? (not in svn.zope.org, of course, 
since the contributor agreement forbids that)

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