[Zope-dev] SOAP support?

robert rottermann robert at redcor.ch
Sun Jan 7 06:58:12 EST 2007

Andreas Jung wrote:
> Hi,
> I think it would be time to support SOAP out-of-the-box in some way in
> Zope 2. XMLRPC is still a useful functionality but the whole world
> speak of
> web-services and Zope should support building web-services at least on
> the SOAP level. I am sure that would bring back some more attention to
> Zope as application-server.
> There are several SOAP related products available on zope.org. Does
> anyone know about their functionality, pros & cons? I know that there
> is also some SOAP support available for Plone/Archetypes (I think
> written by Benjamin Saller).
i like the idea ver much,

we have been doing a number of projects  that needed SOAP connectivity.
we always used pythons HTTP/URL-libs to connect to the services. therefore
I can not comment  available Zope/Plone based tools.
Using SOAP implementing these project not only might have been more
straight forward 
but would have left the client (even) more confident to have chosen the
right tool.

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