[Zope-dev] Re: ploneout - Or how using zc.buildout for a common Zope2 project might look like

Martin Aspeli optilude at gmx.net
Tue Jan 23 17:56:27 EST 2007

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

> This is awesome, and by that I don't mean the fact that we have a plone 
> buildout, but that we actually have Zope 2 recipes for buildout. I hope 
> they can be moved to svn.zope.org for further development to benefit the 
> whole Zope 2 community.

I believe this is just a matter of contrib agreements being sorted out 
(Hanno?). I guess I need to get mine sorted out as well if I'm going to 
keep working on this when it moves... :-/

> I also see that workingenv was abandoned. That's very good to hear 
> because buildout has a lot of machinery for installing eggs already, it 
> would just've been duplicated with workingenv...

Workingenv made it more complex than it needed to be (or buildout did, 
depending on which perspective you look at it from). I believe Hanno 
wanted to rescue the recipe in case others found it useful, but it's not 
used for now.

> gocept's Zope 3 instance recipe actually installs a script into the 
> top-level bin directory, so you can do:
>    $ bin/buildout
>    ...
>    $ bin/instance fg
> Where 'instance' is the name of the instance configuration section in 
> buildout.cfg. So, if you have multiple instances, you can start them all 
> with according scripts from 'bin'.
> It'd be really cool if z2c.recipe.zope2instance would do the same. To be 
> frank, I think having to mess around in 'parts' sucks. I would even 
> argue that app data like logs, databases, etc. shouldn't be in 'parts' 
> either. You should be able to delete 'parts' and lose nothing 
> (disclaimer: this is my view, not sure how "Buildout Jim" see it ;)).

I would tend to agree, especially since buildout has a tendency to 
delete things in parts/ in any case (or rather, recipes do).

I don't think it'd be hard to make such a script (perhaps more difficult 
to make it be cross-platform, we really need a champion for all this on 
the windows platform!).

It'd be trivial to change the z2c.recipe.zope2filestorage recipe to use 
a different directory. We probably need another "top level" directory 
though, because the part name is used as the directory name. Again, we 
just need a steer on what's recommended practice. For example, we could 
use ${buildout_home}/var/${part_name}...


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