[Zope-dev] Re: howto move the portal_catalog to a separate zeo-server ?

Mikel Larreategi mlarreategi at codesyntax.com
Tue Jun 26 06:07:28 EDT 2007

Joachim Schmitz(e)k dio:
> hi,
> In a zeo-client, zeo-server-setup is it possible to move the
> portal_catalog of a cmf/cps-instance, to a separate zeo-server ? If yes,
> what would be the steps ? Especially how to define the mount-point.

It's explained in this How-To:



Mikel Larreategi
mlarreategi at codesyntax.com

Azitaingo Industrialdea 3 K
E-20600 Eibar
Tel: (+34) 943 82 17 80

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