[Zope.org Redux] Re: [Zope-dev] Let's fix the damned website

Philipp von Weitershausen philipp at weitershausen.de
Mon Apr 21 08:07:18 EDT 2008

On 21 Apr 2008, at 11:53 , Martin Aspeli wrote:
>>>  - "Projects" gives an explanation of how the different Zope  
>>> projects fit
>>> together (Zope 2, Zope 3, Grok, CMF, ZODB). Each is then given a  
>>> subfolder
>>> that contains a standard structure: A front page that explains the  
>>> project
>>> in more detail, "Get" (downloads), "Taste" (as above, but for a  
>>> particular
>>> project) and "Learn". The "Learn" section should contain relevant,
>>> up-to-date documentation.
>> No!
>> Each project should have it's own site. Like Grok has today. The
>> Projects page which explains what they are and how they fit together
>> is fine, but the different subparts will necessarily have to be
>> maintained by slightly different people with slightly different
>> requirements.
>> We can set up rules so that both zope.org/Projects/grok and
>> grok.zope.org point to the same physical place, but it is extremely
>> important that we do not, once again, try to make a monolithic
>> zope.org.
>> Microsites, microsites, microsites!
> Does it really matter whether a microsite lives in
> zope.org/projects/zodb or zodb.zope.org?
> If you look at the projects now, they each have a common set of
> sections - download, examples, documentation - and will be allowed to
> evolve independently. They also have the option of having some
> specific branding (logo, tag-line etc) as required.
> If anyone steps up and wants to maintain a separate site for one of
> the projects, then all the better. However, it is hard enough to get
> contributors as-is, so I'm loth to do anything that increases the
> maintenance or setup burden in any way until we have at least the
> basics in place.

I agree with Martin. We need to stop the balkanization of Zope-the- 
brand. Yes, we have many individual projects, but we need a coherent  
image to the outside world. Microsites was a good idea to get  
foundation site and the Grok site up and running *before* tackling  
zope.org, but in the long run, we need coherence.

Also, to be honest, I don't find the design of the new Grok website  
very attractive. And the foundation site is simple enough to be folded  
back into the main site.

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