[Zope-dev] Re: bad "zope.size" to remove from PyPI

Chris Withers chris at simplistix.co.uk
Mon Aug 11 06:04:12 EDT 2008

Aaron Lehmann wrote:
> If the buildout is nailed to that version or above, and there is none, 
> it breaks. 

Well, "breaks" is good, but hopefully that means "gives an error message 
along the lines of '''you specified version 'x.y.z' which could not be 
found'''". Is that what happens or do you just get some obscure random 

> Worse, if someone now adds another egg of the same version, 
> but consumers have cached a version, their buildout won't download it, 
> because it will already have that version in cache.

That's only in case of re-use of an exact version number, right?
Of course, PyPI should store MD5s for packages and buildout should use 
them :-(

> Yes, mistakes happen.  What Benji is saying is that deletion is not the 
> right way to remedy them, as unintuitive as that may seem.

...and I'm saying I don't agree...



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