[Zope-dev] SVN: zope.dublincore/trunk/ Move test-dependencies to 'extras'.

Marius Gedminas marius at gedmin.as
Fri Aug 29 18:49:42 EDT 2008

On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 11:59:24PM +0200, Malthe Borch wrote:
> Fred Drake wrote:
> > There's no good way to avoid dependencies like zope.app.testing;
> > because that's part of the test environment, the tests won't show
> > whether there are problems when it's removed.  If you want to fly what
> > you test, test dependencies can't be eliminated.
> I understand, but this particular dependency pulls in the world, all 76 
> packages.
> I'll revert the change; it seems we're about to have a fork the size of 
> the emacs/xemacs conflict, because for projects like repoze.bfg, 
> dependency hell is no longer acceptable.

So either let's make zope.app.testing not depend on the whole world, or
let's extract the core of zope.app.testing and put it somewhere else

Marius Gedminas
Some performers on television appear to be horrible people, but when
you finally get to know them in person, they turn out to be even worse.
                -- Avery
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