[Zope-dev] Re: [Plone-developers] PAULA: bringing Zope 3's authentication to Plone and beyond

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Sun Jul 13 10:39:31 EDT 2008

Martin quoting me:

> > I was referring to the thread at
> > http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope-pas/2004-September/000086.html,
> > entitled "[Zope-PAS] Challengers (and Zope 3)"

> Sorry, I may've gotten my history mixed up a little here, but in any
> case, I think the point remains: no-one's said (nor not said) that PAS
> is to be deprecated in favour of PAU in a Zope 2/CMF/Plone context at
> least. So I don't think you missed that. ;-)

Thanks for the clarification.

However, while not wanting to extend this debate any more than necessary,
I'm still wondering if *my* point remains valid in the broader "zope x"

Is PAS still alive and preferred for Zope3?  Or more generally, is there any
reasonable strategy for sticking with PAS in Zope2 while also keeping the
door open to Zope3?  I hope so - but I fear that for fairly obscure reasons
Zope2 and Zope3 have diverged in this specific area, in a way that isn't in
the long term interests of people investing in Zope technologies...

Again, I add the disclaimer that my zope3 knowledge is less than - err -
ideal <wink>, so it is likely I'm talking out of my proverbial, but I'm
interested nonetheless...



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