[Zope-dev] Re: SQLAlchemy (zope.sqlalchemy) integration

Hermann Himmelbauer dusty at qwer.tk
Thu Jun 5 04:16:16 EDT 2008

Am Mittwoch, 4. Juni 2008 22:09 schrieb Laurence Rowe:
> Hermann Himmelbauer wrote:
> > In my application, I then use getSASession() to retrieve my session.
> >
> > However, what I think is not that beautiful is the "s.bind = engine"
> > part. Are there any suggestions how to improve this?
> You have two options
> If you ever need to mix objects from different `sites` into the same
> session, you should use an adapter on your root object like:
> If you don't need to mix objects from different `sites` then you can
> register a local utility for ISessionConfig.
> def scope():
>    return getUtility(ISessionConfig).uid, thread.get_ident()
> def factory():
>    engine = Engine(getUtility(ISessionConfig).url)
>    return create_session(
>      transactional=True, autoflush=True, bind=engine
>      extension=ZopeTransactionExtension(),
>      ))
> Session = scoped_session(factory, scopefunc=scope)
> Then you can just import Session and use:
>     session = Session()

Ok, great, thanks for help. The only thing I don't understand is what "uid" 
from the SessionConfig utility is. Below is my full database integration code 
which works for me, perhaps this is helpful to someone else.

Btw., I'd suggest to put such code / session use cases in some Zope package, 
maybe into zope.sqlalchemy, or e.g. zope.sqlalchemy_utility as it's really 
difficult for non-insiders to set this up.

import thread
from persistent import Persistent
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, create_session
from zope.interface import Interface, implements, alsoProvides
from zope.schema import TextLine, Bool
from zope.component import getUtility, adapter
from zope.sqlalchemy import ZopeTransactionExtension

from zmyapp.interfaces import INewMySiteEvent

from zope.i18nmessageid import MessageFactory
_ = MessageFactory('xyz')

class ISAEngineUtility(Interface):
    """SQLAlchemy Engine Utility"""

    db_type = TextLine(title = _(u"Database Type"))
    db_username = TextLine(title = _(u"Database Username"))
    db_password = TextLine(title = _(u"Database Password"))
    db_host = TextLine(title = _(u"Database Host"))
    db_name = TextLine(title = _(u"Database Name"))
    db_echo = Bool(title = _(u"Echo Database Operations"))
    db_enconding = TextLine(title = _(u"Database Encoding"))
    db_convert_unicode = Bool(title = _(u"Database Unicode Conversion"))

class SAEngineUtility(Persistent):

    # FIXME FIXME!!!
    uid = 12345

    def reset_engine_on_attrset(dsn_part):
        doc = "Reset engine when setting variable (stored in %s)" % dsn_part
        def fget(self):
            return getattr(self, dsn_part, None)
        def fset(self, value):
            oldvalue = getattr(self, dsn_part, None)
            if oldvalue != value:
                setattr(self, dsn_part, value)
                if getattr(self, 'init_done', False):
        return {'fget': fget, 'fset': fset, 'doc': doc}
    db_type = property(**reset_engine_on_attrset('_db_type'))
    db_username = property(**reset_engine_on_attrset('_db_username'))
    db_password = property(**reset_engine_on_attrset('_db_password'))
    db_host = property(**reset_engine_on_attrset('_db_host'))
    db_name = property(**reset_engine_on_attrset('_db_name'))
    db_echo = property(**reset_engine_on_attrset('_db_echo'))
    db_encoding = property(**reset_engine_on_attrset('_db_encoding'))
    db_convert_unicode =property(

    def __init__(self, db_type, db_username, db_password, db_host, db_name,
                 db_echo = False,
                 db_encoding = 'utf-8',
                 db_convert_unicode = False):
        self.db_type = db_type
        self.db_username = db_username
        self.db_password = db_password
        self.db_host = db_host
        self.db_name = db_name
        self.db_echo = db_echo
        self.db_encoding = db_encoding
        self.db_convert_unicode = db_convert_unicode
        self.init_done = True

    def mkDSN(self):
        """Create database DSN out of DSN elements"""
        userpass = ''
        if self.db_username:
            userpass += self.db_username
            if self.db_password:
                userpass += ':' + self.db_password
        if self.db_host == 'localhost':
            db_host = ''
            db_host = self.db_host
        if db_host and userpass:
            db_host = userpass + '@' + self.db_host
        elif not db_host and userpass:
            db_host = userpass + '@localhost'
        return '%s://%s/%s' % (self.db_type, db_host, self.db_name)

    def getEngine(self):
        engine = getattr(self, '_v_engine', None)
        if engine:
            return engine

        # No engine available, create a new one
        self._v_engine = create_engine(self.mkDSN(),
                                       echo = self.db_echo,
                                       encoding = self.db_encoding,
                                       convert_unicode = 
        return self._v_engine
    def _resetEngine(self):
        engine = getattr(self, '_v_engine', None)
        if engine is not None:
            self._v_engine = None

def createSAEngineUtility(event):
    saUtility = SAEngineUtility(
    sm = event.object.getSiteManager()
    sm['saengine_utility'] = saUtility
    sm.registerUtility(saUtility, ISAEngineUtility)

def scope():
    return getUtility(ISAEngineUtility).uid, thread.get_ident()

def session_factory():
    engine = getUtility(ISAEngineUtility).getEngine()
    return create_session(transactional = True,
                          autoflush = True,
                          bind = engine,
                          extension = ZopeTransactionExtension())

SASession = scoped_session(session_factory, scopefunc = scope)

Best Regards,

hermann at qwer.tk
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