[Zope-dev] Re: status zc.yuiresource

Martijn Faassen faassen at startifact.com
Wed Jun 11 15:28:55 EDT 2008

Jim Fulton wrote:
> On Jun 11, 2008, at 12:09 PM, Martijn Faassen wrote:
>> I saw Jim started work on a zc.yuiresource, but then stopped before it 
>> did anything useful. I assume it was going to make the YUI libraries 
>> available as a resource library. The strategy would be to check in a 
>> release of YUI, add the right ZCML, and then release the whole thing 
>> as an egg.
>> But before any of that happened, Jim stopped. Jim, is there any 
>> special reason this work didn't continue?
> Yes, I got bogged down trying to decide how to make it work. :)
> Unlike Ext, YUI is distributed as lots of individual files.  To know 
> which ones to load, you have to know their dependencies, or you have to 
> use the loader.  In the short term, I decided to just use the loader 
> *and* use files hosted off the YUI site.

Ah, yes. I don't like the loader but that's mostly because you can't use 
it for your own extensions as far as I could figure out. It centralizes 
what depends on what instead of putting it into the individual .js 
files. I don't like manually loading dependencies either of course. :)

I can't use the files hosted off the YUI site in my deployment, as web 
applications can run locally.

I was just thinking about making the minimal thing work; have the 
ability to publish the stuff locally as a resource library directory or 



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