AW: [Zope-dev] z3c.form SequenceWIdget extract
Mat Lehmann
mat at
Fri Mar 14 11:37:50 EDT 2008
Roger Ineichen schrieb:
> Hi Mat
> Can you give a smaple ot the search string which you are using
> if it contains a sequence widget? I guess this string is wrong
> and this ends in none sequence data at the server side.
> If I'm right, now you are trying to convert this simple data
> string into a sequence, right?
> Try to build a sequence of values as:
> search.html?text=foo&text=bar
> that's the right way to send sequence data and will give you
> the result:
> text = ['foo', 'bar']
> at the server side.
Hi Roger,
I am sorry, but I was not clear enough with my description:
In my search-form, I have a simple single-select-widget (i.e. a
dropdown). My problem is not to transmit multiple values for a single
widget over a GET-paramter-string - for this, your solution should work.
But I want to use the key and value of this dropdown-widget just the
same way as for input-widgets:
I want to be able to build a query-string like
and have the SequenceWidget accept this single value. Currently,
SequenceWidget depends on the fact, that in the templates for
sequence-widgets, the name of the widget gets a postfix of ":list" (so
"form.widgets.dropdown" is now "form.widgets.dropdown:list") and because
of that, the value is transformed to a list by
But because the method in my application that builds the query-string
has no knowledge about the widget-types - it simple has key-value-pairs
- it can not append the ":list" postfix to the paramter name, thus the
value is not transformed to a list and SequenceWidget disregards the
value altogether.
With the two additional lines, SequenceWidget does not assume anymore,
that value has already been transformed to a list (a bold assumtion as I
think, since it depends on the default templates) and it will accept
query-strings of the given form.
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