[Zope-dev] Re: [Checkins] SVN: zope.sendmail/branches/grantma-retryfixes/src/zope/sendmail/ Dcoumented changes, included rough state machine diagrams

Benji York benji at zope.com
Sat Mar 15 14:37:36 EDT 2008

Matthew Grant wrote:
> Log message for revision 84645:
>   Dcoumented changes, included rough state machine diagrams
>   in doc directory.
> Changed:
>   U   zope.sendmail/branches/grantma-retryfixes/src/zope/sendmail/README.txt
>   A   zope.sendmail/branches/grantma-retryfixes/src/zope/sendmail/doc/
>   A   zope.sendmail/branches/grantma-retryfixes/src/zope/sendmail/doc/Message_State_Machine.pdf
>   A   zope.sendmail/branches/grantma-retryfixes/src/zope/sendmail/doc/Quue_Process_State_Machine.pdf

What format do you intend to use for the final state machine diagrams?

ASCII is nice, but a bit irritating to edit.  PDF (unless generated by 
something that can also be checked in) seems to set too high a bar on 
the tools needed.  Maybe a graphviz .dot file and script to generate a 
.gif would work.
Benji York
Senior Software Engineer
Zope Corporation

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