[Zope-dev] Re: BrowserIdManager help!

Tres Seaver tseaver at palladion.com
Mon May 12 11:34:09 EDT 2008

Hash: SHA1

Miles wrote:
> Hi,
> I am attempting to integrate a zope site with some other applications.
> I'm trying to get another application to set the _ZopeId browser/session 
> cookie, so that users can move between the two with a single login.
> This requires me to reproduce the code below, so a valid broser Id is 
> returned:
> (from Products.Sessions.BrowserIdManager 505:512)
> def getB64TStamp(
>      b2a=binascii.b2a_base64,gmtime=time.gmtime, time=time.time,
>      b64_trans=b64_trans, split=string.split,
>      TimeStamp=TimeStamp.TimeStamp, translate=string.translate
>      ):
>      t=time()
>      ts=split(b2a(`TimeStamp(*gmtime(t)[:5]+(t%60,))`)[:-1],'=')[0]
>      return translate(ts, b64_trans)
> Unfortunately, I don't know any C, and the TimeStamp function is only 
> available in C.  I'm hoping someone can spare a few minutes to explain 
> how this function could be coded in python so I can understand it, and 
> produce a non-python function to return valid browser ids.
> I hope that makes sense!

This should do to get the eight-byte representation used by TimeStamp
(the value inside the backquotes):

- --------------------------- %< ---------------------------------------
import struct
from time import gmtime
from time import time

SCONV = 60.0 / float(1<<16) / float(1<<16)

def _toEightBytes(year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds):
    years_offset = year - 1900
    months_offset = (years_offset * 12) + (month - 1)
    days_offset = months_offset * 31 + (day - 1)
    hours_offset = (days_offset * 24) + hour
    minutes_offset = (hours_offset * 60) + minutes
    seconds_exp = int(seconds / SCONV)
    return struct.pack('>L',
                       minutes_offset) + struct.pack('>L', seconds_exp)

def TimeStamp__data(now=None):
    """ Return the current time as an 8-byte string.
    if now is None:
        now = time()
    zulu = gmtime(now)
    seconds = now % 60
    args = zulu[:5] + (seconds,)
    return _toEightBytes(*args)
- --------------------------- %< ---------------------------------------

- --
Tres Seaver          +1 540-429-0999          tseaver at palladion.com
Palladion Software   "Excellence by Design"    http://palladion.com
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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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