[Zope-dev] [Fwd: [Bug 343079] [NEW] Broken distribution (2009-03-15)]

Chris Withers chris at simplistix.co.uk
Fri Apr 3 13:14:19 EDT 2009

Tres Seaver wrote:
>>> Personally, I evaluate such eggs in a sandbox, and then add them to the
>>> project-specific index once I'm sure that they work with the other
>>> software in the index:  I don't use PyPI at all when building out
>>> production sites.
>> That seems overly heavyweight for the average new user.
>> "no, sorry, you can't use Zope 2.12 with anything other than what it 
>> comes with unless you get your own egg repository running"
> Who is talking about an "average new user"? 

We're talking about the standard was of doing things, that encompasses 
the average user. I don't see how the setup you describe can work unless 
every user runs their own egg server...

> new stuff:  it sucks as the basis for a repeatable build environment.

I think that's a little harsh, if you use buildout and a locked down 
versions section all you have to worry about is PyPI being down when you 
don't have the eggs in a local buildout cache.


Simplistix - Content Management, Zope & Python Consulting
            - http://www.simplistix.co.uk

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