[Zope-dev] zc.buildout template recipes: concerns with [z3c|collective].recipe.template and other issues

Martijn Faassen faassen at startifact.com
Mon Apr 27 10:31:45 EDT 2009


Uli Fouquet wrote:
> Beside this it would really be nice, if one could share code at least in
> the Zope-, Plone and collective repositories with less legal hassle. But
> I guess this was already discussed extensively here, so I'd better shut
> up ;)

Normally the way code is shared is not by copying it but simply 
importing it. :)

If you import, there's no problem building on BSD-licensed code from 
ZPL-ed code. Or LGPL-ed code either. Or vice-versa If you use code in 
any of those licenses relying on any other of those licenses, you'll 
just be able to use without concern. Only if you want to modify an 
underlying library do you need to think about the implications of the 

Only building on GPL-ed code has some issues, but from what I understand 
the Plone developers have done quite a lot of work on making sure stuff 
is BSD-ed or LGPL-ed now. I'd recommend against building libraries in 
svn.zope.org that rely on a GPL-ed library for their operation (though I 
do not think it's formally disallowed).

Only if you copy code into our repository do you need to worry about 

For small snippets of about 10 lines or so I think a combination of fair 
use and surface-rewrites which typically are useful anyway will take the 
license worries away (but I'm not a lawyher).

Larger pieces of code than that, i.e. you're forking, you need to worry 
about the license when submitting it to svn.zope.org. But that's one of 
the reasons we *have* our copyright policy! But when you fork you need 
to worry about other things anyway.

I'm glad this fork got unforked! Thanks Gary for pointing it out, Uli 
and Wichert for unforking, and others for helping Uli getting access and 
the like.



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