[Zope-dev] How to update the ZTK KGS (was Re: Working KGS tool! (was Re: IRC discussion about testing))

Fabio Tranchitella kobold at kobold.it
Tue Aug 18 09:02:03 EDT 2009


* 2009-08-18 14:57, Jan-Jaap Driessen wrote:
> I would like to volunteer OSX buildbot slaves, buildbot master if necessary.

I'm currently running a buildbot master with two salves (linux 32bit and


It is running the tests in the trunk for all the packages in the ZTK (as
defined by Jim) as well as the ZTK KGS tests with compattest.

Will we have an "official" buildbot instance somewhere under the zope.org
domain? In this case, I'm willing to administer and maintain it, if nobody
else steps in.

Best regards,

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