[Zope-dev] the Zope Framework project

Baiju M mbaiju at zeomega.net
Mon Mar 2 12:25:43 EST 2009

On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 10:41 PM, Chris McDonough <chrism at plope.com> wrote:
> - focusing on externalizing software; each egg should stand on its own as
>  something that a non-Zope person would be able to understand and use
>  in isolation.  This means documentation for each thing, as well as
>  a sane dependency graph.  This is *less* about giving this collection
>  of software a group name ("the zope framework") and more about
>  making people *forget* that it is a part of some larger thing.  When
>  a piece of software does not have a purpose in isolation but still
>  lives in its own egg, kill it off and merge it back into whatever
>  thing its most closely related to.


> - Stop trying to version control and treat all this software in some
>  overall release.  Let each piece of software have its own life.  Likewise
>  if a piece of software does not have its own life, kill it.


I think this is how Zope 3 packages are evolving now.  Every package
(library/framework) should be possible to release individually.

Baiju M

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