[Zope-dev] [Checkins] SVN: zope.component/branches/tseaver-wo_zope_deferred/ Branch removing zope.deferred.

Dan Korostelev nadako at gmail.com
Tue Mar 3 17:40:24 EST 2009

2009/3/4 Tres Seaver <tseaver at palladion.com>:
> Hash: SHA1
> Dan Korostelev wrote:
>> 2009/3/4 Tres Seaver <tseaver at palladion.com>:
>>> Log message for revision 97465:
>>>  Branch removing zope.deferred.
>>> Changed:
>>>  D   zope.component/branches/tseaver-wo_zope_deferred/src/zope/component/bbb/
>>> -# BBB: Backward-compatibility; 12/05/2004
>>> -from bbb.interfaces import *
>> Note, that the context-dependent/presentation/view stuff that was in
>> BBB interfaces are still used in some places, like zope.publisher, so
>> this needs more careful (re)moving. I think that one of the nice
>> places for those interfaces is zope.browser, however they are not
>> necessary browser-related, so maybe they should be moved elsewhere or
>> just placed in zope.component.interfaces for now, as they're really
>> tiny.
> Yup.  That was probably a case of premature deprecation (back in 2004).
> Note that I'm not actually proposing that we merge this branch any time
> soon:  it is a bit of a straw man for the ongoing process conversation.

Why not? It looks that it's just a dependency cleanup, so it can be
merged (and released!) really soon (if noone objects, of course). I
personally don't like long-living branches and forks.

WBR, Dan Korostelev

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