[Zope-dev] ZODB Competing read/writes: How to find out which attribute?

Shane Hathaway shane at hathawaymix.org
Fri Oct 9 13:12:09 EDT 2009

Hermann Himmelbauer wrote:
> Hi,
> I once in the while get the following warning in my Zope 3 log, which I'd like 
> to resolve:
> 2009-10-07T14:35:41 WARNING ZopePublication Competing writes/reads 
> at /BSPSite/act/++vh++http:zis.act.at:80/bankneu/++/c/acc/booklist/index.html: 
> database conflict error (oid 0x7a5d, class BTrees.OOBTree.OOBTree, serial 
> this txn started with 0x0381388ca6804966 2009-10-07 12:28:39.023700, serial 
> currently committed 0x03813893b087d0cc 2009-10-07 12:35:41.374343)

That URL looks like it should only be reading the database, but the fact 
that you get a conflict error suggests that the code behind that URL is 
writing to the database.  If I were you, I would first ensure that read 
operations never write to the database.


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