[Zope-dev] Circular dependency hell.

Lennart Regebro regebro at gmail.com
Sat Apr 17 02:23:56 EDT 2010

On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 06:34, Martin Aspeli <optilude+lists at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Lennart & co,
> On 17 April 2010 02:38, Lennart Regebro <regebro at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 19:53, Jonathan Lange <jml at mumak.net> wrote:
>>> As the author of one of those other testrunners, I can tell you that
>>> if you do this you'll find that your number one biggest problem is
>>> getting layers to work.
>> Ah, right, layers are in zope.testing too. To actually get widespread
>> movement from zope.testing we would have to make some other layer
>> support. Hm...
> As you may know, I've been working on plone.testing. This is mainly to
> make it easier for people working on Plone packages to write "good"
> tests (and a lot of it is just about patterns, rather than code), but
> in fact it doesn't depend on Plone (and only soft-depends on Zope 2).
> I'm certainly hoping to use it for my "plain Zope 3/Toolkit" packages
> in the future.
> plone.testing makes very heavy use of layers. I think layers are a
> great feature, when done properly, and I haven't seen any better
> approach. The setUpClass/setUpModule stuff in unittest2 is nice, but
> doesn't really solve the same problem. For integration testing with
> something as complex as Zope 2 (or, arguably, the ZODB, various bits
> of the ZTK, and so on) layers allow "us" the framework authors to make
> life much easier for those people who are not experts in the
> framework.
> Anyway, a few high level observations:
>  - In neither plone.testing (apart from its own tests), nor in code
> that uses it, would I imagine actually depending on zope.testing via
> an import. We use unittest(2) and doctest from the standard library.
>  - We do depend on a zope.testing-compatible test runner, in that we
> expect layers to work. In reality, we depend on zc.recipe.testrunner,
> though I would *love* to be able to do 'python setup.py test' as well
> (and have that execute tests with layers). I have no idea how that
> works or whether it'd be possible.
>  - The way zope.testing promotes writing layers is actually pretty
> evil. It overloads the 'class' keyword, essentially, making you spell
> "base layers" as base classes. This has a few problems:
>   - If your "base layer" has a testTearDown method, say, and your
> layer doesn't, the base class version will actually inherit into the
> child layer. zope.testing will then run the same code twice, once for
> the base layer and once for the child layer.
>   - You can't use OOP inheritance to re-use layer conveniences.
>   - People get quite confused. :)
>   - You can't have two copies of a layer - all layers are
> module-level global singletons. This becomes somewhat important when
> layers manage and expose resources (like database connections).
> Anyway, based on Ross Patterson's work in collective.testcaselayer, I
> think we have something better in plone.testing's layer module.

Aha, interesting.

> General info and patterns:
> http://svn.plone.org/svn/plone/plone.testing/trunk/README.txt
> Layer module: http://svn.plone.org/svn/plone/plone.testing/trunk/src/plone/testing/layer.py
> Layer doctests:
> http://svn.plone.org/svn/plone/plone.testing/trunk/src/plone/testing/layer.txt
> If I could have my cake and eat it too, I'd like:
>  - A test runner that supports layers
>  - A test runner that supports the new fixture methods in
> unittest2/Python 2.7 - setUpClass and setUpModule
>  - A test runner that properly reports skipped tests (pretty easy)
>  - A test runner that supports the above begin run from 'setup.py test'
>  - A test runner installable via a buildout part just like zc.recipe.testrunner
> We could quite possibly factor layer.py out of plone.testing and push
> it into something else if that was desirable. It's self-contained and
> has no dependencies.

All this sounds good and not to complicated compared to extracting the
testrunner itself. :) Which in turn is less complicated than the work
you've already done. :)
Lennart Regebro: Python, Zope, Plone, Grok
+33 661 58 14 64

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